PCGC Members Raise $1,500 for Phoenix Allies for Community Health
The Phoenix Collective Giving Circle (PCGC) launched in early November with 13 members raising more than $1,500 for Phoenix Allies for Community Health (PACH).
"We are absolutely thrilled to be the first recipient of the PCGC grant,” said Nargish Patwoary, Secretary for PACH. “This grant allows us to continue serving our patients with holistic, high-quality medical care by covering costs of basic things like lab tests and connecting patients to other resources to major things like building electricity.”
The grant will be used as a matching gift for PACH this coming Giving Tuesday – taking place on November 30, 2021. This international day of giving is vital for nonprofits like PACH and interested donors can visit PACH’s website to support the mission, according to Patwoary.
The PCGC utilizes trust-based philanthropy’s six principles of practice for giving circles. These principles ensure more equitable giving that prioritizes building relationships with nonprofits, according to Philanthropy Together.
For those interested in starting their own giving circle, Philanthropy Together offers a Launchpad for You program.
"My individual donations to nonprofits barely scratch the surface of the myriad issues facing humanity, so the idea of pooling funds with like-minded individuals to make a greater impact on important causes was intriguing to me,” said PCGC member Caitlin Khoury.
“This led to my signing up for the Philanthropy Together Launchpad for You program, which trains people across the world to start giving circles in their communities. Through the 5-week Launchpad program, I learned so much about this movement and was inspired to start PCGC with a group of passionate friends."
PCGC will continue to convene quarterly, with each member donating a minimum of $400 annually – $100 per quarter – to hand-selected, nonprofit organizations.
The group has a goal of reaching 25 members by the end of 2022. Those interested in joining can find out more at www.phoenixcollectivegiving.org.