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Phoenix Collective Giving Circle is a group of everyday philanthropists on a mission to help all humans have equal opportunities to survive and thrive on our planet.

Image by Nina Strehl


Founded in fall 2021, to date the Phoenix Collective Giving Circle has distributed $16,940 in grants to nonprofits serving Arizonans.

We are absolutely thrilled to be the first recipient of the PCGC grant. We are a nonprofit organization, which means we run on grants and donations. This grant allows us to continue serving our patients with holistic, high quality medical care by covering costs of basic things like lab tests and connecting patients to other resources to major things like building electricity. No one person "owns" the PACH clinic - it's the community's clinic. This grant and partnership with PCGC highlights the power of community allies coming together to support a humanitarian cause -the right to be healthy is a human right. And it is because of the love and support we recieve from supporters in the community, like PCGC, that makes PACH strong and fulfill our mission to provide equitable and comprehensive healthcare to marginalized populations.

Phoenix Allies for Community Health

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